1.) Drop off luggage at hotel 2.) Look for Conor Oberst 3.) If I find him, stalk him 4.) Sing Lover I Don't Have to Love to his face 5.) Walk away more infatuated with him than I was before
I wish i could change the date on this thing to say April 23 just so that I can type that I spontaneously decided to go to New York. I finally emptied out my piggy bank and gave it all to AAA so they can book my flight and hotel.
That's right...i'm going in exactly 2 days. I can't hold in my excitement. I've been wanting to go to New York ever since I watched my first New York movie....which i can't remember the title of...ha. how funny. okay i'm officially lame for laughing at my own joke. but whatever! i'm going to NY! they'll just have to deal with my lameness over there. I can't wait...finals took forever to finish, and now i'm done! Arrivederci California!