Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Fantastical Fatalities of Love

It was precisely 8 am on that Tuesday morning when Karen Hart shoved the last piece of whole wheat toast in her mouth, gulped the last of her remaining coffee and headed out her door. The cold air seeped through the cracks of the dilapidated front door and brushed against her face, sending a chill down her spine. The radio was on in the kitchen informing their listeners of the snow storm that hit their small town just two days ago. As Karen began to grasp the cold brass door nob, she heard someone calling her. Unfortunately, it was her mother, begging her to bring another jacket.

"Karen, honey, you have this jacket I bought you from last year!...And what's this? It still has its price tags on it?! KAREN EMILIA HART! You are going to wear it this instance!" Karen's mom screamed, her voice trailing down the stair case from Karen's room.

"MOOOOMMM! Would you get out of my closet! You don't belong there! I have a right to privacy too ya know!", Karen screamed back in defense at her mom.

Karen's mom was always nosy. Paranoid, Karen's mom would barge into her room while she was at school and look for empty condom wrappers under her bed or a Kama Sutra book hidden behind her dusty bookshelf. At the end of her hourly search and discovering nothing dramatic, she would feel accomplished, as if she had raised the next Mother Teresa.

Karen let go of the door handle and frantically ran upstairs, fearing her mother would find some incriminating evidence.

"Mom, would you stop, I'm already wearing a a beanie, leather gloves and three extra thick sweaters. If I was to get sick, don't you think it'd happen already?" Karen asked placing her hand on her hip.

"Oh I forget how grown up you are sweetie, I guess if you get cold, you have Marcus to warm you up," her mother said smirking.

"MOTHER for the last time, me and Marcus are just friends. Nothing more..." she said as she was walking out the door, "even if I did like him, I would have totally done him by now anyways," she added under her breath.

"What was that honeykins?"

"Nothing mommy dearest," Karen responded mockingly and shut the door.

Karen stepped outside and took in a deep breath of the cold crisp winter air. She began walking towards her neighbors house, excited to tell Marcus of her good news.
She had more time to dwell on her good news seeing how the two feet of snow kept her from walking the normal pace she usually had. Karen smiled at the thought that kept recycling in her mind, but her smiling caused her lips to crack.

"FUCK," she thought to herself. She pulled out chapstick from her pocket as she reached Marcus's doorstep. She banged hard on the door.

"You're late," Marcus said with fake disappointment in his voice.

"You'd be late too if you walked in that deep ass snow..."

Marcus smiled at her as she pushed her way through his arm that was holding the door open. Karen practically lived in Marcus's house. They had known each other since they were babies. They used to take baths together and share the same bath toys. They also went to the same school ever since kindergarten and used to hold hands and sing songs together. But that was when they were kids. Now that they were reaching the age of 18, they didn't share anything anymore and they didn't dare to hold each others hands.

"Soooo guess what!" Karen exclaimed as she tried to hold back her excitement.

"You're a man"

"I have a date!" Karen screamed, knowingly ignoring Marcus's previous statement

"Who's the unlucky guy?"

"You know what, don't get mad at me just because you haven't gotten laid in the past three months...and just so you know, the lucky guy is Adam Ferguson," Karen remarked as if she had just verbally bitch-slapped Marcus.