Wednesday, June 13, 2007

I'm corny, I know...

I'm not the type of person to say that something/someone "changed my life", but after reading all three of Albom's books, it's kind of hard to say that they haven't had any impact on my life...or rather, how I live it. Call me corny or whatever, but he really knows how to tap into a part of your emotions. The last time I cried while reading a book was when I got to the end of Harry Potter (and the Goblet of Fire) when they killed off Cedric Diggory. But Albom's books are different. His books really make you cry....and laugh, but mostly cry. And knowing me, it takes a lot to even make me shed a tear, so you know his books are good for something. There is just something about his books...he makes them so easy for you to relate to. I seriously cannot wait until he comes out with another book, so I could try to catch him on his book tour and like, hug him.