Thursday, July 30, 2009

The other day...

I was talking to Alan about how I wanted a hamster and how we should invest in one together. His exact response was "ewwwwwwwwwww".


How could you say that about something so cute and cuddly? It's a hamster for goodness sake! I mean just look how cute it is, eating that carrot.

Hamsters are basically like mini teddy bears. Yes, they are considered rodents, but they're the cutest damn rodents I have ever encountered. What do you think?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

rewind to the past.

I remember when I was about 10 years old, all I would eat were Koala Yummies. I loved them so much, my mom would buy them for me by the dozens. The best thing about them was that it didn't matter what flavor they came in, it all tasted so good! I'm getting all nostalgic just thinking about it now.

But the sad thing is that I can't find them anywhere. I checked 99 Ranch and they had these knock off Koala Yummies, but they're called, get this, "Koala's March".

Are you fucking serious?

They couldn't come up with a better/clever name for it? Well, now that I look at it, no title can beat Koala Yummies. I mean, it's all in the name -- Koala's that are edible and yummy! Plus, Koala's March don't even taste as good as the Yummies do. They taste like chemicals and sugar. Why would you do such a thing?

I can hear you now -- "but Lisa, there are other great Asian snacks such as Pocky or Yan Yans." I know. Trust me, I KNOW. But there is nothing like the feeling of biting the head and arms off of the tiny chocolate/strawberry/vanilla filled Koala. Pocky and Yan Yans are great, but they're so boring to eat...kind of like eating ice cream. All you can do is lick it.

With Koala Yummies, you can get creative. Now keep in mind, I was a demented little kid growing up, so I would put the Koala's in various scenarios. One would get decapitated by "Hungry Queen Lisa" or one would lose an arm (and maybe a leg) in war. It was so much fun to do!

So, if you know where they sell the original Koala Yummies, please tell me pronto. I am longing for a pack right now.

P.S. Don't even get me started on "Hello Panda"


Koala Yummy fan #1

Tuesday, July 14, 2009


HI. My name is Fudge. F-U-D-G-E.

Favorite food: FOOD!? Where?

Favorite toy: any available socks. (tube socks preferred).

Favorite drink: whaat-err.

Favorite thing to do: bite people's ankles.

Loved by: everyone.

Owner(s): angela&annalisa of the brizuela household.

I am a girl...

So now it is time for me to act like one.

I want this...



and maybe this too. . .

Friday, July 10, 2009

A Mouth Full of Insults

He stood under a tree with a quaint smile. His sausage sized fingers brushed over the ridges on the tree bark as he patiently waited for what he believed in so much. The picnic blanked was now moist with morning dew and the fog began to cover Holland's feet. His army boots once black were now smothered with mud.

OH, London...

Take me back....I WANT to go back.

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

there is something...

about seeing lavender flowers that makes me feel all warm inside.